Leatherman Eyeglass Micro Bit Adapter V3


Leatherman Eyeglass Micro Bit Adapter V3

from $8.00

This adapter holds the reversable eyeglass / micro screwdriver bits made by Leatherman. It is designed to fit into the standard bit driver in Leatherman tools, but it also works well just by itself, as small screws don't usually need much force or leverage, and works excellently in the bit extender. It fits into the bit kit, or into either of the Leatherman Signal Bit holders I've designed to replace the whistle and sharpener attachments.  

There are two small notches on the sides just like the flat Leatherman bits, to keep the adapter securely in your bit driver, or extension. I believe the ratchet extension does not have a retainer spring, but a magnet, so be careful if using that one, though the magnet should still be able to hold onto the eyeglass bit through the plastic.

A new addition to this design are two integrated "springs" to add some extra tension to the eyeglass bit to keep it secure, while remaining easy to remove and flip around. The original version relied only on the friction of the bit and the adapter, which was somewhat problematic, while the second version utilized a small magnet embedded into the side. That method worked well, but ultimately proved impractical from a production stand point. Version 3 combines functionality with practicality without compromises.

These pieces are 3D printed on a resin printer, meaning there are virtually no layer lines and they are extremely precise and detailed. They are made out of a slightly translucent black ABS-Like resin.

Available with or without the Leatherman Eyeglass bit.

Leatherman Bit Included:
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